Sunday, November 28, 2010

Angels and Chimes

It’s funny how memories can be very different for everyone. I purchased these Swedish made brass angel chimes about 1968 and enjoyed the soft chimes. What beauty the first year when they were new and untarnished. Little did I know what a pain they would be to clean every year when the house was decorated for Christmas.

My favorite memory of the chimes was Christmas Eve 1975 when Joe and Doug were 11 and 6. It was during my first marriage when we were stationed at Barber’s Point in Hawaii and lived in Navy housing among other young families away from home. Three other families came over with two children each, including my sister and her children, Cindy and Troy. Eight unusually well behaved children from 4 to 11 sat at the dining room table for hot chocolate and home made cookies. The lights were dimmed and the brass centerpiece of chiming angels gently twirled from the heat of the candles and a pattern of shadows twirled around the ceiling and candle light glowed on the children’s faces. They chatted with anticipation of Christmas morning and Santa Claus, I looked around at each little face, so much like an angel that evening and knew it was a Christmas memory I would never forget.

Davis, Doug 41, Reese
Joe 46, Lisa, Larry
Two of those angels, now ages 41 and 46 in above photos, sat around a table with the angel chimes last night and told me of their memories. Doug remembers having to polish the chimes many years, Joe laughed saying he wasn’t good at it so didn’t get the job.

Nobody polishes the chimes now, they are dull but magically look polished in photographs, a Christmas miracle.

Turn up speakers and listen closely to hear the chimes.